Using music experiences to resonate health and wellness in the whole person.
Music therapy services consist of an initial formal assessment prior to the start of a schedule of sessions. Client’s goals and objectives are addressed through interactive music experiences, facilitated by a board certified music therapist (MT-BC). Music therapy sessions are adapted to the strengths and needs of the client(s), their music preference, and their age.
Individual and group sessions typically run from 30-60 minutes and occur once or twice per week.
We offer the following services:
- Home-based Music Therapy – sessions take place at your house
- Facility-based Music Therapy – sessions take place at the facility in which the client is located; i.e. assisted living facility, nursing home, independent living facility, etc.
- Hospice Music Therapy – sessions for client and family take place where the client resides
- Assessment and Consultative Services – Music Therapist can consult with facilities, families, and organizations regarding the most cost effective way to use music to meet your needs. We can also improve health and wellness within your company or work setting, for clients and employees alike.
Contact us regarding your interests, for scheduling options, and prices for services.